In the Spirit of Giving

Our client, Frontier Capital, was recently spotlighted in a special report of Mergers & Acquisitions titled “The Big Give” that highlighted five private equity firms that are prioritizing community investment and volunteering activities.

And how lucky are we to be working with one of the most philanthropic private equity firms #inthemiddle?

From Andrew Lindner, Co-Founder of Frontier Capital:

Two years, we formed the Frontier Capital Foundation to formalize our firm’s philanthropic activity through financial and personal service commitments to organizations making a real impact in our hometown of Charlotte, NC.

After extensive conversations with professionals across our firm, we focused our efforts on three organizations: The Miracle League, which gives children with physical and mental challenges an opportunity to play baseball; Foundation Fighting Blindness; and Charlotte Family Housing.

Since then, it’s been our privilege as a firm to engage with each of these organizations through donations and team volunteerism. And it’s a true honor to have those efforts recognized in the newest edition of Mergers & Acquisitions, in a feature titled “The Big Give.”

As a firm, we have focused our philanthropic efforts on organizations that support some of society’s most vulnerable citizens and that aim to have a lasting impact on their lives. We hope you’ll get a chance to read the article and learn more about our efforts – as well as well as those being undertaken by other private equity firms!

Joanne Verkuilen